Poetry Corner

Not here, not now
Then was good
But that’s over now
Fun while it lasted
And now?
Hanging on
Holding on
Wishing, longing, wanting something to last
Here we are now
Letting go
Letting things be as they are, here, now
Moving on
Enjoying the now
What is
Is good.


Little Beauty
- - about a baby deer that was hit by car and a group of women came to the rescue & tried to save him…..

Little Beauty
Surrounded by love.

Taken to soon
Yet all the cards lined up
For a tender love to flow through us.

Your innocence
Your fear
Your helplessness
Cracked our hearts open.

Your mama’s loss is our loss.
We as women, mother’s and protectors
Know grief.
We can smell it, see it, in those who have lost one.

We can take it.
We can hold it.
We let this love and loss pour through us.

This chain of events today connected us.
Reminding us we are entwined, related, One.

We ache with you - for you LIttle Beauty - and celebrate you.
Impermanence is life.

The beauty and the sorrow,
Two sides of the same coin.

We can hold it all.
Our hearts are wide and deep.

We honor you Little One.
Your soul, your heart, your body.

Thank you for bringing us all together today.
Blessings to you. Infinite Love & Gratitude.


Robin’s Nest

There once was a robin’s nest….that had been lived in before and left behind.

The next young robin arrived ready to start anew and make a family. She claimed this old nest and made it her own.

Adding her special touches, her flair, filling with beauty, color, little critters.

Then one day, an egg began to grow inside her. Her belly growing, getting plump. That new life came into being with a bang, a smile and was a very old soul.

And she stayed in that nest for a very long time. Testing her wings over the years, getting stronger, more confident and independent.

Then one day, not quite an adult, but strong enough to fly, she set her sights high, to a new place far away with a new flock. Where she could fly fast, sing loud and test her abilities to soar.

That day finally came, when the mother robin, said “Yes, it is time for you to see what’s out there and become who you are destined to be.”

She hugged her goodbye, saying she’d be back soon. And she left with a smile. So proud of herself. The mother robin so proud too.

As she headed back home to their nest, it hit her. She was gone. A visible emptiness in their home.

Bittersweet. A blessing for her strong wings and courage. A deep ache for the loss of her sweet song at home.

The mother robin, with her tears and songs of sadness, packed up their nest, and shed what was no longer needed and flew onward to spread her wings of re-creation, leaving that old nest behind, for the next young family to create anew.


Mama Bear

Sulking, pacing, aching

Can’t bear to let her cub go

The cozy, the laughter, the playfulness

Sweet paws on my shoulder

The safety she creates in the den

Time goes on

They grow up

And walk away into the world

Now what will momma bear, do?

Where will she go?

She walks onward'

A different direction

She lives her life

But always listening

On hand, if that cubs calls

For assurance, some TLC

She gives her a nudge of “You can do it”

Sending her out again to find her way

Mama bear, always needed

Not the same

But in never-ending new ways

Andrea Gaines